REFOOTURE: A project to advance regenerative inclusive food systems


Despite all the efforts in recent decades, food insecurity, poverty and nature degradation are on the rise in East Africa. The REFOOTURE project believes fundamental change is needed to solve these issues. They can only be solved by transforming food systems into Regenerative Inclusive Food Systems. In Regenerative Inclusive Food Systems, people are seen as part of nature, nurturing nature rather than exploiting it. In these food systems, nature and social relationships are regenerated, supporting food security and resilient livelihoods. The REFOOTURE project, which was launched in 2020 with funding from the IKEA Foundation, aims to foster Regenerative Inclusive Food Systems in three East African countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda. The key idea behind REFOOTURE is that innovation is crucial to fostering social, technological, and institutional transformation towards Regenerative Inclusive Food Systems. These innovations should be place-based, rooted in the specific characteristics of a place which is in some way meaningful to the people living there. Local communities, their territory and their surroundings determine the place-based potential for innovations.



Water and Food, Climate Resilience, Animal Breeding & Genomics, Green Economy and Landuse, Innovation- and Risk Management and Information Governance, Regional Development and Spatial Use, Development Economics, Fresh Food and Chains, Land Use and Food Security, International Policy, Animal Farming Systems


Froebrich, J. (Ed.), Groot, A. M. E. (Ed.), Adokorach, M., Alvarez Aranguiz, A. B., Andeweg, K., Omedo Bebe, B., Beekman, G., Bennink, V., Berecha, G., Brazao Vieira Alho, C. F., ten Brummelhuis, A. G. M., Casu, F. A. M., Coninx, I., Daburon, A. I. L., Fanou, S. G. L. P., de Groote, B. G. H., Hetterscheid, S., Kajobe, R., Kigiri, D., ... Wattel, C. J.(2023). REFOOTURE: A project to advance Regenerative Inclusive Food Systems. Wageningen University & Research.