Edemacu, KennedyEuku, MartinSsekibuule, Richard2018-06-072018-06-072014Edemacu, Kennedy; Euku, Martin and Ssekibuule Richard (2014). Packet Drop Attack Detection Techniques in Wireless Ad hoc Networks: A Review. International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA), 6(5), 75–86. https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1410/1410.2023.pdf09749330 (Online)09752307 (Print)Wireless ad hoc networks have gained lots of attention due to their ease and low cost of deployment. This has made ad hoc networks of great importance in numerous military and civilian applications. But, the lack of centralized management of these networks makes them vulnerable to a number of security attacks. One of the attacks is packet drop attack, where a compromised node drops packets maliciously. Several techniques have been proposed to detect the packet drop attack in wireless ad hoc networks. Therefore, in this paper we review some of the packet drop attack detection techniques and comparatively analyze them basing on; their ability to detect the attack under different attack strategies (partial and or cooperate attacks), environments and the computational and communication overheads caused in the process of detection.enWireless Ad hoc networksPacket dropping attackWatch DogSide Channel MonitoringMonitoring AgentSequence numberPacket drop attack detection techniques in wireless Ad hoc networks: a reviewArticle