Muni University Institutional Repository Deposit Agreement The Muni University's institutional repository supports the long-termpreservation of and free access to research materials produced by members ofthe University. To undertake this role, the repository staff needs permission tostore, copy and format/manipulate the materials in order to ensure that it can bepreserved and made available in the future. This Deposit Agreement is designedto give MU Repository administrators the right to do this and to confirm that thedepositor has the right to submit the material to the repository. The Agreementis non?exclusive, and the depositor does not give away any of their rights to MURepository. By agreeing with and accepting this license, I/weThe author(s), copyright owner or nominated agent) Agree to the conditions asstated below, for the deposit of the item (Also referred to as the Work) in the institutional repository maintained by MUor any other repository authorized for use by MU. By depositing my/our work in MU Institutional Repository I/we agree to the following: (a) That I am the author or have the authority of the author/s to make thisagreement and do hereby give Muni University the right to make theWork available in the way described above. (b) That I am/we are free to publish this work in its present or future versionselsewhere. (c) I/we confirm that: (i) I am/we are the copyright owner(s) and/or have the right to makethis agreement with you. (ii) The work is original and to the best of my/our knowledge does notinfringe (iii) Anyone's copyright (iv) The work does not violate or infringe any intellectual property law. (d) I/we agree to: (i) Add the work to the repository so that it is freely available onlinefor the lifetime of the repository. (ii) Convert the work as necessary to ensure that it can be read bycomputer systems in the future. (iii) That removal of the item can only be made after approval of theprincipal repository administrator. (e) I/we understand that MU Repository: (i) May distribute copies of the work (including the abstract)worldwide, in electronic format via any medium for the lifetime ofthe repository for the purpose of open access. (ii) May electronically store, convert or copy the work to any mediumor format for the purpose of future preservation and accessibility. (iii) May incorporate metadata or documentation into public accesscatalogues for the work. (iv) Shall retain the right to remove the work for professional oradministrative reasons, or if it is found to violate the philosophy ofMU or legal rights of any party. (v) Shall not be under obligation to take legal action on behalf of thedepositor or other rights holders in the event of infringement ofintellectual property rights or any other right in the materialdeposited. (f) Shall not be under obligation to reproduce, transmit, or display the workin the same format or software as that in which it was originallydeposited. (g) Additionally, I/we also understand that if, as a result of my/our havingknowingly or (h) recklessly given a false statement and the University suffers loss, I/wewill make good that loss and thus indemnify MU for all actions, suits,proceedings, claims, demands and costs occasioned by the University inconsequence of my/our false statement. While every care will be taken to preserve the physical integrity of the work,MU shall incur no liability, either expressed or implicit, for the work or for lossof or damage to any of the work or associated data. Depositor's Declaration: I/We(The author(s) hereby grant to Muni University Repository a non?exclusivelicense on the terms outlined. I declare that: (a) I am/we are the owner(s) of the copyright for the whole work (includingcontent &layout) or am duly authorised by the owner(s) or other holderof these rights and I am competent to grant under this agreement, alicense to hold and disseminate copies of the material. (b) The work is not and shall be in no way a violation or infringement of anycopyright, trademark, patent, or other rights whatsoever of any person. (c) That if the work has been commissioned, sponsored or supported by anyorganisation, I/we declare that I/we have fulfilled all of the obligationsrequired by such contract or agreement.